Hot Springs-based Wealth Manager Says Now is the Time to Seek Advice
Tim Poole, the principal with Hot Springs, Arkansas-based APEX Asset Advisors, said concern related to the economy during the Coronavirus has an influx of people turning to the expert advice of financial advisors.
Poole, a 20-year veteran of the financial industry, said the uncertainty that is leading people to plan for their futures is a positive result of the Coronavirus.
“Overall, we know that those with careers or families with tight schedules often put off the call to a financial advisor simply because they’re busy or think that it’s something they can handle themselves. It’s often not a priority, although it should be. The recent events in the world have turned all of that upside down, encouraging people of varying incomes to reach out to a financial planner,” Poole said.
There are multiple reasons to work with a qualified financial advisor, especially in today’s changing economy, Poole said. “For APEX, it’s that we truly listen to our clients and provide emotional support because right now our clients have concerns, especially if their job, income level or retirement accounts have recently changed.”
The even more important element is that we can take where they are today from a financial standpoint, no matter where that is, and plan for the expected – and unexpected – that the future will bring. Our planning includes something different for each client. No two have the same expectations and dreams,” he added.
Poole said many of the recent calls to his office have been referrals from other clients or adult children of clients. “A lot of folks today just don’t know where to turn. Asking someone who has a successful relationship with his or her financial planner is the best place to start,” he said.
“I would also encourage those who are looking for a financial advisor to ask a lot of questions. That means being comfortable talking about personal matters, especially money,” he added.
Poole said helping people during the Coronavirus has been rewarding. “We have always had the opportunity to benefit the lives of individuals, couples and families in a very meaningful way. That is even more true today,” he added.
APEX has also received more calls from current clients since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. “It’s part of our business to have regular, one-on-one communication with those we serve, but we’ve been in contact with our clients even more lately,” he said.
“In fact, we have so much interaction with our clients that we consider them our friends. And the people we want to help the most right now are our friends and family,” he added. “We are able to reassure clients that we are watching their portfolios carefully and are able to ease some of their worries.”
Making the first contact with a financial advisor is the hardest step, Poole said. “It is like anything; if you are unfamiliar with someone or something, it can be daunting at first. But if there is any time to seek the advice of an expert, it’s now,” he added.